Top Interior Design Trends Chosen By Millennials

Mill - RG Group

Home design persistently changed with each generation, Millennials have developed a unique taste to certain style and design for their home. If you happen to be a Millennial who is caught up with a hectic schedule, likely making you a bit confused about the ongoing trends then read below to find out the most aesthetically pleasing yet functional styles preferred by Millennials.

Storage Solutions: Regardless of how huge the home is; smart storage solutions that offer abundance of space is one key aspect millennials are attracted to, well designed furniture with multi-functional and rearranging capability sweeps any millennial by their feet. Analyze the example of a smart phone, its multi-functional features offer ease to our lives and the same approach is undertaken when millennials design homes. Examples of few smart storage solutions include automated shelving with a second layer, kitchen and bathroom with complete organization system, furniture’s that adjust height depending on your requirements.

Sustainability: Millennials have developed a knack for eco friendly designs and décor. Millennials opt for energy efficient appliances, eco-friendly natural materials to design their home. Mass produced products are loosing their popularity among millennials, instead they are going in for the ethically produced items. For Example: For table or counter tops with natural stones such as Quartz or Caesar are preferred. Natural flooring/carpeting and recycled décor is in high demand too!

Personalization: At presently if you look around everything is personalized from phone cover to even the main door of a home. Millennials prefer applying their distinct taste into everything they own; in short they love uniqueness which reflects their personality. Anything that comes with the idea: one size fits all is directly avoided by millennials, they choose design ideas which allow them the complete freedom to modify.

Aesthetic: The aesthetic appeal they prefer include décor/designs that offer flexibility and functionality. Minimalism is a style trend most millennials like due being able to derive a moderation in décor, cutting out unnecessary clutter but at the same time create a specific interior designs that gives illusion of spaciousness.

Regardless of which century you belong from there are certain home designs which never go out of trend and are still preferred by any age group. Are you aware of such classic designs which are loved by everyone in your home? Let us know below your favorite classic home designs.

Picture of Dinesh Ramchand

Dinesh Ramchand

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